We’re hiring…Táimid ag lorg GM
General Manager
Nemeton TV (www.nemeton.ie) is seeking to make a high calibre addition to its senior team.
The role revolves around the activities of the TV sports production teams in Waterford and Glasgow and will work closely with these teams in the creation of excellent day to day experiences for audiences and clients.
The ideal candidate will have management experience at mid to senior level, preferably with a media or sports background and will be expected to have strong problem-solving skills.
The successful candidate will be expected to oversee and manage the various production teams and will have budgetary responsibility as well as overseeing the drafting and implementation of production plans.
A good knowledge of sports and excellent communications skills are necessary.
Extensive travel will be a factor, with time being spent between our Waterford HQ and our Glasgow base.
Tá fúinn iarrthóir ar ard-mhianach a earcú chun cur lenár bhfoireann sinsearach.
Baineann an ról le hobair na bhfoirne léirithe sna Déise agus i nGlaschú, ag obair chun a chinntiú go mbíonn ár gcliaint agus ár lucht féachana sásta i gcónaí.
Beidh taithí ag leibhéal meán- nó ard-bhainistíochta ag an iarrthóir, agus ba bhuntáiste cúlra spóirt nó cúlra sna meáin chumarsáide.
Déanfaidh an té a cheapfar maoirseacht ar na foirne léirithe éagsúla agus i measc na bhfreagrachtaí beidh dréachtadh agus cur i bhfeidhm pleananna léirithe maraon le riaradh buiséid.
Beidh grinn-thuiscint ar chúrsaí spóirt agus ard-scileanna cumarsáide riachtanach.
Beidh go leor taistil i gceist idir ár gceannáras sa Rinn i gCo. Phort Láirge agus ár n-oifig i nGlaschú.
Applications/iarratais 25/8/2017:
Susan Wallace
Nemeton TV
An Rinn
Co. Waterford X35 XD88
Tel: +353 (0) 58 46499
Fax: +353 (0) 58 46208
Email: susan@nemeton.ie
Web: www.nemeton.ie