NemetonTV Committing to Sustainability
Tá NemetonTV ina cheannródaí agus muid ag déanamh forbairt trasna ár gcláracha go léir leis an togra ‘albert’. Cuireadh tús le albert sa bhliain 2011 chun cabhrú le lucht déanta teilifíse, agus earnálacha eile, na cleachtais agus nósanna is fearr ó thaobh na timpeallachta dhe a chur i bhfeidhm agus cláir á léiriú acu. Ó shin tá tuiscint níos fearr a fháil ag léiritheoirí ar an tionchar atá ag a gcuid léiriúchán ar an timpeallacht agus dearbhú ar fáil go bhfuil siad i mbun léiriúchán inbhuanaithe.
D’fhógair TG4 i Mí Eanáir go mbeadh sé éigeantach go ndéanfaidh gach léiriúchán faoi chonradh le TG4 a lorg carbóin a thomhais agus leas a bhaint as Áireamhán Carbóin albert. Sé GAA Cúl Camps an clár is déanaí de chuid Nemeton a bheidh ag glacadh le Áireamhán Carbóin albert. Ag gach céim den léiriúcháin, ghlac Nemeton leis go mbeimís ag cloí leis an gcóras inbhuanaithe albert, go háirithe leis an gclár GAA Cúl Camps agus an tionchar timpeallachta a bhaineann leis. An chéad rud a rinneamar ná gur sheolamar Memo Glas amach chuig an fhoireann léirithe ar fad ag tús an réamh-léiriúcháin. Laistigh de sin bhí aidhmeanna leagtha amach againn chun clár inbhuanaithe a dhéanamh. Tháinig forbairt ar an Memo seo i rith an léiriúcháin. Déanadh an scannánaíocht ar fad lasmuigh agus mar sin beidh spreagadh ag na páistí a fhéachann ar an gclár chun sugradh lasmuigh faoin aer go minic. Spreagamar athchúrsáil gach seans a fuaireamar chomh maith. Nuair a dhéanann na páistí cleachtadh ar scileanna, molaimid rudaí ginearálta ón dtigh gur féidir leo a úsáid. Chuireamar ceist ar an gcriú aiseolais a thabhairt dúinn go leanúnach agus mar sin beidh muid i ndán an t-eolas sin a roinnt le cláracha eile chun feabhas a chur ar ár gcláracha thíos an bóthar.
NemetonTV is aiming to become an industry leader in committing to sustainability across productions through work with the albert initiative. Founded in 2011, albert encourages productions to make a positive environmental impact and inspire audiences to act for a sustainable future. TG4 became the first Irish broadcaster to introduce the use of albert’s carbon calculator as a mandatory requirement for productions at the beginning of 2021. The latest Nemeton production to commit to albert is GAA Cúl Camps, a Cúla4 production.
NemetonTV committed to fully engaging with the principles of sustainability and positive environmental behaviour at every stage of production, following guidelines set out by albert as well as introducing some initiatives specific to GAA Cúl Camps and the environmental impact of the production. One of the first initiatives included sending out a Green Memo to all production crew at the beginning of pre-production which outlined the aims and goals of GAA Cúl Camps in order to become a sustainable production. This memo was continuously revised and updated at each stage of production with any new information or feedback from crew added to improve and enhance the aims of production. There was a concerted effort made to show positive environmental behaviour on screen as part of GAA Cúl Camps. All of the filming took place outdoors, with the aim to encourage children to play outdoors and develop a lasting relationship with nature. Children were encouraged to use and repurpose items around the house to take part in the drills shown throughout the programme, which helped to encourage sustainable behaviour through reusing and recycling. The GAA Cúl Camps production requested and encouraged feedback on its green initiatives from crew in order to improve its practices and objectives. This feedback was put into effect and will be shared with other projects in order to improve the environmental impact of NemetonTV productions in future.