Nemeton Spotlight Feature: Miriam Fitzsimons

This week in our Spotlight Feature series we chat to Donegal native Miriam Fitzsimons who works as a producer here at NemetonTV.
Thosaigh mé ag obair anseo ag tús mhí Dheireadh Fómhair, 2021. I started working in Nemeton TV in October 2021. I had been working in RTÉ Sport for a few years before that so I’m here about 8 months now producing on GAA BEO and really enjoying it.
It’s hard to describe a typical day because the great thing about this job is there’s always something different happening. I spend my weekdays preparing a running order for whatever match I’m covering at the weekend, liaising with commentators and analysts, prepping teasers and VTs and making sure everything is ready for the outside broadcast. Bíonn an-phleanáil go deo ag baint le cluiche a chur ar an teilifís agus bíonn go leor cruinnithe agus glaonna gutháin difriúla i rith na seachtaine.
My favourite thing about the job is the on the day producing. It’s great seeing all the preparation from the week come together on air. There’s always a good buzz and we work with brilliant crew from both Nemeton and TVM (our outside broadcast unit providers). It’s a huge team effort and very rewarding to see all the hard work pay off. Anuas air sin, is aoibhinn liom an dóigh a bhfuil mé in ann mo phost a dhéanamh trí mheán na Gaeilge. Tá an-ghrá agam dár dteanga agus dár gcluichí agus is iontach an rud é go bhfuil mé in ann an dá ghné sin a shníomh le chéile sa phost seo.
TV is a tough industry to work in, especially sport as there’s a lot of long hours and weekend work. I think you really need to love what you do. In that respect I’m very lucky, I love working on GAA productions and when I’m off you’d find me at a match anyway. It’s great to be able to work in an area that I’m so interested in. It’s very fast-paced, there’s always decisions to be made and there’s brilliant scope for creativity. Is fiú an obair dhian mar níl aon rud níos fearr ná nuair a thagann achan rud le chéile sa deireadh chun clár maith a chur ar scáileán.
I think the most unique thing about my job is that I’m always on the go. GAA BEO is all live outside broadcasts so I’m in a different GAA ground every week. You never know where you could end up on any given day. I have the whole of Ireland covered a few times over in the past few months alone! I love this part of the job, though. I think it keeps things interesting and you’re never just stuck in the office, you’re seeing different places and meeting different people all the time.