case study
The Next Generation of TV & Digital Media Producers

the challenge
The vast majority of graduates with media degrees have no practical TV experience and have to be trained on-the-job.
the solution
Working with Waterford Institute of Technology and Údarás na Gaeltachta, we set up the Ard Dioplóma i Léiriú Teilifíse - Higher Diploma in TV and Multi Media Production. A post-graduate, Level 8 course that mirrors the production process in a very practical way. From ideas generation right through to final delivery each graduate completes their own production from start to finish at broadcast quality with a credit as Producer/Director or Editor.
the results
Over ten years, almost 80% of our graduates have secured employment in various media organisations. Many of the student productions have won awards and have subsequently been broadcast. Fís úr don todhchaí.